Duduk leaf Efficacy

Duduk leaf Efficacy

Daun duduk has Latin name: Desmodium triquitrum are generally found in indonesia.
Habitat: Growing in the open with enough sunlight, a little shade and not so dry in the lowlands up to 1500 m above sea level.
Description of the plant: Plant shrubs, approximately 3 meters high. Woody stems, round edged, rough surface, approximately 2 cm in diameter brown. Single leaf, alternate, shaped, 10-20 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, reinforced pinnate, brown young leaves after dark green. Shaped compound interest began to grow at the end of the stem, crown-shaped purplish white butterfly. The fruit pods, each of 4-8 seeds, young fruit is green, dark brown after.

Part of plant used: Leaf

Chemical Ingredients: alkoloid hepaforina; trigonelline; tannins

Benefits: Anti-inflammatory; antipyretic; diuretics; Stomakik; Paratisid

Simplesia Name: Folium triquetri Desmodii

The herbal recipe:

Kidney stones:
Fresh duduk leaf 6 g; Fresh leaves kecibeling ( Strobilanthes crispus ) 3 g; Fresh herbs cat's whiskers/kumis kucing plants ( Orthosiphon aristatus ) 6 g; Water 115 ml, Made infusion, Drink 1 a day 100 ml.

7 pieces of fresh duduk leaf; 2 pieces of fresh betel leaf; 1 handful fresh herb gotu kola; 5 kunci pepet rhizome ( Kaempferia rotunda ); 1 cup water, contused, To rinse 2 times a day; morning and afternoon; every time 1/2 cup.

Fresh duduk leaf 6 g; 100 ml boiling water, brewed, Drink 1 a day 100 ml.

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