Dither against prostate cancer

Dither against prostate cancer

Dither against prostate cancer
When he thinks the time spent to keep a chart of its prostate-specific antigen (PSA), Jon Picken said laughing that he wished his balance sheet follows the same upward trend. However, although the monitoring of the evolution of its own PSA was Jon finally received the new undesired diagnosed with prostate cancer, it has also helped discover the disease in time to react. Jon began to notice on a chart its results to PSA testing in the late 1990s after several stable results at the same level, his PSA levels have not only started to increase, but also to the at an accelerated rate: 2.06 in 2007; 3.05 in February 2010; 3.69 in November 2010; and 3.96 in January 2011.

Although these rates remained in the range of normal levels of PSA for a man of 68 years, Jon's proactive approach to their own health it was useful and it has provided important information that prompted him, in consultation with her ​​doctor, a urologist. the urologist, Dr. Rajiv Singal of Toronto East General Hospital, had never met anyone who had followed his own rate APS so closely and agreed with Jon that regular upward trend justified to ignore the fact that the rates remained in the range of normal levels for his age, and he ordered a biopsy. After the biopsy and subsequent analysis, Dr. Singal invited Jon and his wife, Anne, to come to his office to discuss the results. "I nearly fell over backwards when he told me that I had prostate cancer," recalls Jon, speaking of his initial reaction to the diagnosis. He had no physical symptoms usually associated with early prostate concerns about his age.

At his desk, Dr. Singal took the time to fully explain the treatment options and possible side effects. In the end, Jon decided to take no further risk and he opted for the complete removal of the prostate. "I am by nature rather dynamic and proactive. I was lucky to have three wonderful children and six grandchildren." After the removal of the prostate, tests have shown that Jon was actually suffering from a very aggressive cancer. Looking back, Jon can not help but remember the events that led to his prostatectomy and wonder what would have happened if he had not held his graph PSA. Years after scored his first point on his chart, Jon summarizes his story in a clear imprint of gratitude voice, and stresses that all men can and must care more so proactive about their own health. "Many men behave as if the disease could not hit them and reluctant to talk about health issues or even take the test. "He quickly added, however, that noted significant improvements in this respect, through the unremitting efforts of Prostate Cancer Canada." CPC plays a huge role in awareness of prostate cancer."

Today, in addition to participating in various fundraising initiatives and awareness for prostate cancer, Jon continues to devote its most important resource, his precious family, approaching her with happiness 50th wedding anniversary with Anne.

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